Monday, December 6, 2010

So little time... get everything done!***WARNiNG BORiNG WEDDING POST!!!***

 I have such a looooong list of things that need to get done ASAP for the wedding and the move! We had a "wedding meeting" tonight to make sure we were all on the same page and I feel a bit better about it all, but it is still a bit shaky... Tomorrow, my dad and I are headed to Garden Ridge to get the finishing materials for the centerpieces and the poinsettias for around the fountain. Hopefully, we can also go ahead and buy the water glasses and cider mugs for the reception. I also need to stop by Chesapeake Square Mall and need to get my abandoned headpiece from Sherrie's (we left it behind after the bridal shower)! Oh yeah, I also have to clean my room, bathroom, and do some laundry... Not to mention, Kevin forgot to mention some people that should've gotten invites that I need to mail out tomorrow!!! Which means I get to hand address invites on the way to Chesapeake while my dad drives. I guess that works out since it's an hour drive! I think I've finally gotten all of my RSVPs straight... I SO wish people would RSVP! It's not hard... Just mail back the preaddressed, stamped envelope with a number on it! You don't even have to write your name on it! JUST a number!!! I'm having to track people down to see if they're coming to my wedding, lol! I feel so needy asking people, "Hey! Are you coming to my wedding?" It's like saying, "Hey! Do you love me and want to buy me a present?"... Awkward!!! I could SO use a personal assistant right about now... I need my KitCAt, but of course, she's married with a child and working full-time, which means limited time to help with wedding stuff! Through it all, she has kept me sane still, but now is not the time to abandon me!!! Today, I had such a busy day and go so much done! I went to Wal-Mart with a page-long shopping list and had to go to Lowe's to buy supplies for wedding deco! I actually got it all done, went to the post office, and got my nails done! I even made it home in time to make Gingerbread Cookies, Marvelously Minty Cookies, and Root Beer Float Cookies! Want the recipes? I'll post them in a separate blog entitled "Missionary Goodies". Why missionary? Because I baked them all to go in the Christmas box to Kevin's little brother who is on his mission in Las Vegas! He gets tons of goodies this year! From K and I, he gets a tie, gloves, a crocheted scarf (that I still need to make!), and the cookies+minty fudge brownies! The gingerbread men are SO cute! I decorated them like missionaries! If I knew how to upload pictures, I would, but IDK how... help? Well, I got the picture at the top, so it'll have to stay there, lol! I felt like blogging to let off some wedding stress and surpirsingly, I do feel lots better, so I think I'll go work on getting my room clean until the boo calls :) I'll post the recipes, then bedtime! Au revoir!

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