Thursday, December 9, 2010

I am flawed :)

Yes, it's true! I'm not perfect, so lower the bar a bit will ya? I'm a little overwhelmed!

Recently, three different friends mentioned that they thought I was so "perfect". One of them even mentioned how jealous she was at the life I lead... This really upset me! Not so much because I mind being told I'm a role model, but because I don't want to feel like everything I do is going to make her look bad. I mean, it's not a competition! I'm not trying to be a better wife and potential mother than her or anything! So, I decided to sit down and really think about my flaws and point them out!

Flaw #1 and perhaps the biggest one: I am a S.L.O.B.! Like, not just your ordinary slob, but like MASSiVE slob! I will let my room get to bio hazardous levels before cleaning it! I have been known to go sleep on the couch because I can't sleep in such a messy environment! I HATE cleaning! I can cook all you want, but when it comes to cleaning up after myself, it's like torture! Any space that is shared space is safe. For example, here at the Irwins, I may leave a dish or two in the sink (although I do my part when it comes to loading and unloading the dishwasher), but I never leave a mess in any part of the house besides my space. The keyword in that was "leave", not to say I don't "make" a mess, I just never "leave" it there! My bathroom is usually pretty safe. It is not always CLEAN, but it is organized. Could I use the toilet brush a bit more often? Yep! Could I scrub the tub a lot more often? YES! How about windexing the mirror? Oh yeah! But basic stuff, like making sure it looks sanitary and having a clean sink and towel, I can do! Also, I have all of my bathroom stuff (hair stuff, lotions, makeup, first aid) categorized into little plastic totes in my drawers, so everything is usually in its place. Lately though, I've been making a mess in there, too! I'll tell you what my downfall is: CLOTHES. EVERYWHERE! I don't understand it! My room is covered in clothes. Clean clothes at that! I HATE folding and hanging! I remember Catherine used to come over when I lived in Smithfield and I would wash allllll of my clothes and she would help me fold and hang them! Maybe it's because I wait soooo long to do laundry, so by the time I do it, I have 4 loads to do! Perhaps if I did laundry more regularly, it wouldn't be such a chore to wash, dry, fold/hang... There's a thought! SO, I take my clothes upstairs in a hamper and they stay there and eventually I have to dig through it to get something and clothes end up all over the floor! Not only that, but when I take my clothes off at the end of the night, wherever I'm standing is where they end up, a la Time Traveler's Wife! (anyone who's seen that knows what I mean) I am so sick and tired of being a slob, but have no idea how to combat it in the bedroom! In the bathroom, my organizational totes worked, but now what to do!?

Flaw#2: I am a drama queen. I can take the smallest, most insignificant comment and turn it into the next world war! This is something I've recently learned about myself! It's not that I make things up and way over-exaggerate, I just take things too personally and end up looking way too much into things! So, by the time I'm venting (usually to Kevin, Catherine, or Regina) I have already worked it out in my mind that it's the end of the world. The problem with this is by the time it gets to them, they no longer have the opportunity to calm me down and change my mind because I am set on what I believe is what is happening. How to overcome this? Stop being so super stressed and thinking the world is out to get me. Is this an feasible task right this second? You try planning a wedding and a cross-country move and when you figure out how not to be super stressed, let me know!

Flaw#3: Although I am great at multi-tasking, I am terrible at prioritizing. For example, I am blogging. Just a second ago, I mentioned that I am a slob and my room is bio hazardous, and yet, I'm blogging about it rather than cleaning it. I do not prioritize well. I put my blinders on and set myself on one project and forget about the rest of my life. For right now, my project is wedding, so even though a bag lady wouldn't even live in my room, I am more concerned with finishing centerpieces. The problem? All wedding things that I'm in charge of are done except our Saturday project. Since today is not Saturday, I do not have anything wedding to do today. Granted, I need to figure out my hair and makeup, but is that really more important than having a clean room? No. So, here I go... I'll be back later!

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